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Social Media Considerations Before Finalizing Brand Name

A four-step guide to simplify your process of choosing your brand name with essential social media marketing and branding considerations.

How to Pin Posts on Facebook Groups and Pages

What is Pinning?

It is very simple just like you attach a pin to papers. While running some week long or month long marketing campaign. You need to keep the post visible to all the visitors during the campaign. We know that on the Facebook page timeline or the group wall with the newest post, the older one gets downside. The only option you could have earlier was you could share the same post every day which is describing the campaign. 

Pin the Important Post on Facebook Group:

Click the mouse on the right hand side of the post where you see the drop down menu. You will see the option Pin Post only if you are the admin of the group or Unpin the post. You can see the options in the screenshot. 

Click on Pin the post and it will be always on the top of the group until you Unpin it again. 

If you wish to Pin more than one post on the top, you can do so. The post which is pinned later will be shown on the top. All pinned posts will be shown in a box to show the special status they have on the top of the group. 

How to Unpin: 

To Unpin the Post follow the same procedure and Unpin the Post and it will be unpinned. 

Pin Important Post on Facebook Page:

Same as Facebook groups you can Pin important post to top only if you are the admin of the page. 

Go to your page posts

Click on the option Edit or Remove

Click on the option Pin to Top

And you will see your post pinned at the top with the symbol of saffron ribbon. 

If you pin another post, the first pinned post will be automatically unpinned. You can pin only one post at the top. 

How to Unpin: 

To Unpin the post follow the same procedure and click Unpin From The Top.  

Important Marketing Strategy: 

  1. Arrange weekly or Monthly contests and pin the post to top
  2. Declare the winners or awards and pin the post to top for two days to feature the winners. 
  3. Ask your fans to write some lines about your page or product and feature the testimonials on the top for some days. 
  4. You can decide week days to feature specific posts, e.g. Contests on the week days and results on the weekends. 
  5. If your posting frequency is high depending on the product you are marketing, you can pin a single post to top for the whole day and can change it every day. 
  6. There is no limit to imagination and creativity that Facebook is offering for marketing. It's on you how to implement and reach more audience. 
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