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Social Media Considerations Before Finalizing Brand Name

A four-step guide to simplify your process of choosing your brand name with essential social media marketing and branding considerations.

How to Get More Page LIKES by Sponsored Ad on Facebook

When you start creating your Ad you will see three options as discussed in How to create Ad for Facebook page tutorial.  The very first option you will see is,

Get More Page LIKEs :  Build a Bigger Audience. 

Get More  Page LIKEs :

By choosing this your ad will reach the people who are not connected to your page yet.  You will need a Headline,  text  to show in the ad and the eye catching image of size 100 px by 72px.

Important Strategies

Headline : 

You can give the name of your  page here because you are describing your page’s ad in the body text. Or you can simply write Join Your Page Name or Latest Trends on Your page name. You can add more and more creativity while creating ad.

Body Text: 

Only 3-4 lines which should be explaining everything about your page and which will make the Facebook user to LIKE your page. While creating the ad think from the customers’ point of view,

Why do I need the updates from this page?

Your ad should be the answer of this question. The person should get the Instant LIKE for your page before even visiting The Timeline of your page. The fast pace is the secret of Facebook Business success. Create text accordingly.

Image : 

Choose the image which will immediately draw the attention of Facebook User from their News Feed in the right hand column or when they get the notification in the News feed story
The best choice is your page’s profile pic should be used in the ad which remains in front of the eyes of user always. 

Once your page is established and people know the brand name, keep changing the Ad Pic.

You can see the preview of your ad as it will appear in the right hand column at Right Hand Column Preview.  So, keep doing modifications, till you feel your ad satisfactory. We will keep discussing Advanced strategies on this site.

Landing View :

Here you can choose any option from the tabs you have for your page like Photos,  Notes,  Videos, Welcome Page and people who click your ad will be redirected to the tab you have chosen.

Important Strategy :

Depending on your niche and targeted audience you can choose the Landing view. Also you can keep changing the landing view too. E.g. If you have a photography site or site of Camera and you share pics to promote your product. It will be better to keep Photos tab as a default Landing view to get more LIKEs.

Sponsored Stories  :

Without any increase in the budget for your ad the friends of people who LIKE your page can discover your page now through sponsored stories.
This story will appear in the news feed as shown in the screenshot. So there are more chances that friends of fans of your page may LIKE your page.

The advanced options section will be discussed later. Also how to decide the targeted audience will be discussed later. 

Continued in the next chapter.